Join Us


If you are a Vietnam Veteran and are interested in membership with the VVA, please download and complete our membership form. You will be required to provide your DD214 in addition to applicable dues.

If you are not a Vietnam Veteran, but would like to support the VVA, you are encouraged to become a member of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA). You can read more about their organization and find the membership application on their website.

National Archives and Records Administration

You can obtain a free copy of your DD214 from the Archives website.

If you need assistance obtaining a copy of your DD214, a request (SF180) has to be mailed to the following:

National personnel records center (Military)
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138-1002


Individual membership is open to Veterans who served on active duty in the US Military (for other than training purposes) in the Republic of Vietnam from February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 or in any duty location from August 5, 1964 and May 7 1975 for Vietnam-era Veterans.

VVA does not receive any funding from federal, state, or local governments. It relies solely on memberships and private contributions for its revenue.